1: What are the business hours at Newtuery.com for Customer Service?

The Customer Service business hours for Newtuery .com are Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm EST.

2: How do I contact Newtuery.com?

E-mail Us: [email protected]

Call us at 317-455-8231
(Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm EST.)

3: Do you offer a return policy?

Yes, we do! Newtuery.com offers a 30 Day Guarantee. You can find details on our Return Policy page.

4: Do you ship internationally?

Unfortunately, at this time we do not ship outside of the United States. However, many of our customers use a freight-forwarding service to get their products to their country.

5: When will my order ship?

Once you complete your order, you can expect to receive a shipping confirmation email within 2 business days of your order confirmation email.

6: How do I track my order?

We will send an order confirmation email to the email address you provided to us. You will receive a second email from us with your tracking number.

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